4 Year Old Preschool (VPK)

Why choose Victory Preschool?

Victory is a place where you will find genuine love for children.  The staff is passionate about caring for and educating children and bring years of experience in early childhood education. They will not only model excellent morals for your child but will also share the love of Christ!

Our goal is to provide an environment that is nurturing, safe, exciting, and developmentally stimulating. We desire for all children to be VICTORYous!


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What is VPK?

VPK stands for Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten. It is a program run by the state of Florida. Through this program, all four year old children in Florida have the privilege of attending 540 hours of preschool within a school year for FREE! The state of Florida then reimburses the VPK provider for each student for the year. 

Only preschools that are qualified and certified are allowed to offer VPK. Victory Preschool is a certified VPK Provider!

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Who is eligible for VPK?

Children who turn four years old on or before September 1st are eligible for VPK.  If a child turns four years old after September 1st, he or she will need to wait until the following school year to enroll in the VPK program.
To enroll in VPK, parents will need to provide their child’s birth certificate as well as proof of residency to the Early Learning Coalition of Duval County. The ELC issues a Certificate of Eligibility to parents, which you will submit with your enrollment forms.


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Why is VPK important for my child?


VPK is meant to give children a head start as they enter their first years of full day schooling and prepares children for kindergarten in many important ways. Students are introduced to concepts that will build their language, math, literacy, social/emotional and gross/fine motor skills. Also, students are taught in a fun and loving way about how to sit quietly, listen, share, be respectful, transition into activities, and follow directions. Finally, creativity and independent as well as cooperative play are also important parts of VPK as they foster and stimulate mental growth for the future.  All of these experiences are the basic building blocks for the challenges of kindergarten and will help to better prepare students to be successful!

Some parents aren’t sure VPK is necessary for their child. They may feel their child “knows all that stuff already.” This is usually not the case. Some children may know all the states and capitals and even how to read; however they may not know how to share or play with other children. Some may be able to write their names perfectly but they need practice listening and following a teacher’s directions. VPK is important because it builds well-rounded children who have been exposed to a classroom environment and are better prepared for the next level!


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Are there any costs for VPK?

Your child’s VPK education is absolutely FREE.  By Florida law, VPK is provided to families without any tuition or fees. There will be a $20.00 late fee assessed if your child is picked up later than 15 minutes after school closing, unless enrolled in extended day program.  

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What will my child learn?

Victory Preschool prepares children to experience success in school by developing appropriate academic skills, emotional management, social aptitude, physical dexterity, and spiritual values which focus on God’s love for them.  

Here is a little glimpse of some of the lessons that will be taught at Victory…

♦  Identify all the letters of the alphabet (upper and lower case) and introduce their sounds.

♦  Sequence several events in a story and retell simple facts after listening to stories.
♦   Read written first name and practice writing name.
♦  Participate in group reading and writing experiences.
♦  Recognize shapes/ colors and compare objects and quantities.
♦  Count from 1-50, rational count and name numerals.
♦  Develop language and listening skills.

♦  Engage in activities to develop large and fine motor skills.
♦  Share and cooperate with classmates.

♦  Sit quietly and attentively in group time.

♦  Know God’s promises to them in Jesus Christ their Savior.
Victory uses the WEE Learn curriculum as a plan for teaching children.


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What is the daily schedule like?

A typical VPK class day may look like this…

 9:00-9:15       Circle Time
 9:15-9:45       Outdoor Play
 9:45-10:00     Bathroom/Snack
10:00-10:20    Language Arts/Social Studies Experience
10:20-10:40    Literacy
10:40-11:15    Creative Art/ Free Play
11:15-11:35     Math/ Science
11:35-11:50     Music/ Movement
11:50-12:15    Chapel/ Show-n-tell/ Stories, Finger Plays
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What is the student-teacher ratio?

Victory will have up to a 1:10 ratio in one classroom. This will have a lead VPK teacher and an assistant.   


How does Victory use discipline?

Discipline is a very important part of preschool. As most children are moving away from their infant and toddler years, discipline is key in training them for their elementary years.

No teacher will ever use physical discipline with a child. Instead, other means are employed to shape the behavior of the children.  Most frequently, redirection and shifting of attention are used to encourage children to change a disruptive action. Students are also given positive, yet firm, verbal encouragements to change disruptive or inappropriate behavior. If disobedient behavior persists, a “time-out” approach is used to help children reconsider their choices. The teacher will notify the parents of consistent behavioral problems.

Are snacks or lunch provided?

No. Many children are allergic to certain types of foods or drink. As many children tend to be particular concerning the foods they will eat, we believe it is best for parents to provide snacks and/or lunch for the children. However, if food or drink is ever forgotten, we have extras on hand that will be offered to the child.

Victory Preschool will provide a special treat for every child’s birthday if families are unable to do so. All food will be prepackaged and nut free.

Is before or after care available?

Yes. Victory Preschool offers extended day options. For the school year, students may be enrolled in the morning session (7 – 9am),  and/or the afternoon session (12:15 – 6pm). Please contact our center for additional extended day information and current school year rates.
Do you have a summer program?
It is the intention of Victory Preschool to run a summer program for its students of both the current year and upcoming school year, subject to staff availability and student enrollment. VPK vouchers will not be accepted for the summer program. Tuition rates will be published each spring.